Hydi Miller

Note: Hydi Miller has elected not to run for re-election when her term ends (March 2021).


2019 Candidate Statement

I am Hydi Miller, an incumbent member of The Willoughby Board of Directors, seeking re-election to a second two-year term.  I intend to build upon tangible successes and achievements made during my first term as a board member that has enhanced the quality of life for The Willoughby community.  I have strong relationships with all Willoughby constituents — owners, residents, board members, management and staff.  If re-elected, I will continue to consider all viewpoints when making board-level decisions, taking the best features of what we already have and combining it with the best aspects of what can be to create an even better Willoughby for the future.

YOU asked for changes to enhance our quality of life at the Willoughby.  I was your voice on the Board successfully championing:

  • A new web-based communication system (BuildingLink) for emergency and daily notices such as water shut-offs, package delivery notifications, and in-unit service reminders;
  • Competitive rates of return earned on Reserve Fund accounts;
  • Reduced owner Reserve Fund contributions from 10% to 2%;
  • Expanded Rooftop Deck hours of operation;
  • Review and competitive bidding of all vendor contracts on a regular basis;
  • Additional Pool Passes and Guest Passes for all Units;
  • Replacement of cardio equipment and the heating, ventilation, and air conditioning system in the Fitness Center over the next two years;
  • Free Wi-Fi on the Rooftop level, accessible while in the library, at the pool or in the gym

If You Re-Elect Me:

I pledge to be accessible and to listen to you.  I will continue hosting my Sunday Night Open Invitations from 7 pm – 8 pm at which all community members can stop by my home (1412 South) to chat about whatever issues are on their mind. If you would like to talk with me about my candidacy, please contact me.   My contact information is above and my door is always open for a neighbor.

I will promote transparent governance and improved communications.  I will support realistic capital and operating budgets, maintaining tight control over expenditures, and strengthening our reserves.  I will govern strategically, make prudent choices, and modernize to address issues proactively in ways that reduce costs and risks while increasing property values. I will advocate utilizing all unused Willoughby spaces, whether commercial, retail or residential, for maximum benefit to the whole Willoughby community.

In Addition, As a Member of The Willoughby Community:

  • I manage the ResidentsOfWilloughby listserv, a private online listserv with nearly 700 readers about life in The Willoughby where neighbors can meet, ask questions, and share experiences. If you would like to join the ResidentsOfWilloughby listserv, please contact me at HydiMiller@gmail.com and I will happily add you.
  • I am a member of the Community Associations Institute, a national trade association of condominiums, and I regularly attend their seminars and expositions so that I continue to be educated on operations, laws, innovative business practices and new products and services that impact our condo.